Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dry Flaking Skin On Dogs Back

"What we should be ashamed" of Solange Manfredi

Over one million women took to the streets yesterday, and not only women mobilized to defend their rights and their dignity. How sad! It took three
tissue services, and three weeks of propaganda in the press to move the mass.

Never seen such a mobilization, anche per altri e ben più gravi problemi. 

Non per la sentenza della Corte Costituzionale che stabilisce che si possono violare i diritti umani di cittadini o gruppi di cittadini e poi coprirli con il segreto di stato; non per la depenalizzazione del colpo di stato; non per aver ceduto la sovranità del popolo ad un organo sovranazionale ed autoreferenziale, ecc.. 

“Se non ora quando”. A questo grido le donne sono scese in piazza chiedendo le dimissioni di Berlusconi. “Offende l'Italia” si grida nelle piazze. Eh si, offende l'Italia il fatto che il Presidente del Consiglio possa essere indagato per favoreggiamento della prostituzione minorile. 

But Italy did not feel the least offended by the investigation speculated that the offenses against him:

judicial corruption, illegal financing of political parties


false accounting,



embezzlement, tax fraud


drug trafficking, murder

contest (1992-1993),

contest with the Mafia,

abuse of office,

aggravated extortion and threat ....

For these crimes no. No one took to the streets.
v be investigated for these "reatuccci" did not offend the dignity of our nation, absolutely not. But he amused his real bird with consenting women, it will, deeply offends us.
v It is not. Our women's dignity has been offended, and is offended every day by those women, and they are many, argue that in order to go to parties of Berlusconi, who are ready for any erotic acrobatics while you can not get what they deserve. Berlusconi, like any powerful man, is besieged by women who hope to slip into his bed to obtain benefits and favors, has no need to pay them. He used this opportunity? Probably. Could abstain? Yes The problem is that President Berlusconi puts them on the electoral roll or sit on the benches of parliament? We have had, and we have, "ladies" far more unpresentable, men with convictions for serious crimes. But more, we had seven times prime minister, defense minister eight times, five times as foreign minister, Giulio Andreotti, etc. .. that res judicata was recognized guilty of "concrete collaboration" with leading figures of the Cosa Nostra until the spring of 1980.

Women who have Berlusconi does not women are daily hunger that must bow to the wishes of the Prime Minister to eat. They are not victims, in fact. And it is good that this is clear to all.

If anybody insults and tramples on the dignity of women are their women. We are being offered as a commodity, we did compete to undress in front of more and more calendars, television, advertising. We run to make us redo the lips to "boat" and not because they are beautiful and elegant (in fact when a person is smart it is said, that person is fine). The lips to "boat" have only one message to send to the male they encounter, and it is not to send the feeling that those lips egress educated and intelligent discourse!

But the problem is another, and it is even more serious. We are. The problems we face are serious, but before any violence or abuse (our constitutional rights are trampled by the government and the European community every day) still. Then comes a puppeteer who, through a media campaign and manipulating our frustrations, we do take to the streets in more than one million not to defend our right to work, health, education, justice, but the dignity of women. ;

E 'of this that, before the eyes of the world, we should be ashamed.



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