Sunday, August 16, 2009

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The cost of breast enlargement, foreign or Italian?

The costs associated with the desire to increase the breast often make us desist from taking such an initiative. For a breast augmentation you get to spend up to € 10 thousand for a very prestigious surgeon, although on average costs totaled about 5-7 thousand euro.
The operation itself is not complicated, there is no need for general anesthesia (in some cases is carried out), we should not be hospitalized for more 'than 48 hours and the operation itself results in little more' an hour. Sounds too expensive spending? Yes, if you think the theories of standardized medical profession who see the plastic surgeon's aesthetic shorthand easy, but profitable, especially for something that medicine itself has little to do. No, but if you put in account the cost of dentures, are not economic at all, the operating room, the cost of 'anesthetic and the postoperative course. Coscensiosi good plastic surgeons and there are a large number and trust is often rewarded them agreed. Someone suggested to go to 'external breast enhancement. The costs are lower, you get to spend as much as 50% less: the goals are Tunisia and Morocco with regard to North Africa, or Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia with regard to Eastern Europe . Who goes more 'far can' get in Brazil or the United States, home of Prince breast. Keep in mind that the cost of 'operation must be added those of the transfer and residence, although in many cases, foreign organizations in the package include flight and hotel and other benefits for a companion, especially if something goes wrong, the savings goes to drain.
Back in Tunis to touch your breasts would be heavy in terms of economy, time and emotional. But surgeons are the same Italians who are warning, conflict of interest, on the skill and technical excellence of their foreign colleagues. Always well calculated risk-benefit assessment before going to 'foreign to a breast.

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Increase your breasts with fat (fat) dream or reality?

Increase Breast with its fat is the dream of many women. Kill two birds with one stone weight loss in the right parts (things, buttocks, abdomen) and at the same time increase the volume of their breasts. It would be the best. Do implants after 10 years you should replace that deflate, explode in air (false myth), or change shape with the passage of time. And then we want to? One thing is putting on a silicone prosthesis that leads to scars, although invisible, the other is to increase the breast with his fat, naturally, very invasive. The technique is already there for some time, although it is still little used. He patented the Cytori, a U.S. company specializing in cosmetic surgery. In practice, fat is removed by liposuction in areas that contain sufficient (arms, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, stomach). Using small diameter catheters of 2-2.5 mm, then the fat is treated with stem cells, their, centrifuged, worked in a certain way and then iniettato all' interno delle mammelle. Detto così sembra facile, ma le difficoltà ci sono. All' inizio delle sperimentazioni il grasso prelevato e poi trasferito all' interno del seno veniva in poco tempo assorbito dal corpo e distrutto. Il problema è stato risolto trattando l' adipe con altro grasso del proprio corpo stimolato con cellule staminali. Un altro problema portato alla luce è che per utilizzare questa tecnica bisogna abbondare proprio di adipe. Una ragazza magra non potrà mai avere grasso a sufficienza per un autodonazione.e prelevare il grasso da un'altra persone diventa inutile. Le sperimentazioni comunque sono andate avanti e nella maggiorparte delle volte i risultati sono stati soddisfacenti. Le pazienti hanno visto aumentare il seno di one or two sizes, more 'is not possible with this technique, but above all to feel the results were excellent. Breast appeared soft and supple, with a more 'natural than that you may have with traditional operations carried out with breast implants saline or silicone. Beware, though: after 2 years were also presented cysts and microcalcifications seen by mammography. Always consult your doctor first for any such decision.