Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vocabulary Workshop Level D-h

interesting group ....

It is not our practice to disclose or publicize groups and groups of facebook. But we believe that every time someone uses this questionable social network in an intelligent way.

Here is the description of the group:

" This group was created by the decision of some women to do something special on Facebook.
In a time when the press, voyeuristic and morbid, it seems attributed to women as the only professional "work the world's oldest" rediscover the great women of the past, to allow those present to have different patterns of identification and do not inhibit the development of those the future.
Choose a great woman of history and use the photo in your profile.
Post your story about this group and divulgala. Make this great group! Let the world know what examples we follow! "

We believe it worthwhile to follow the development ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Distance To Hoop From Free Throw Line

memory not to be missed

The Israeli offensive called "Lead Cast - in the period between 27 December 2008 and January 18 of 2009 - has killed 1419 Palestinians, of whom 1,167 (82% of the total!) Were innocent and defenseless civilians, and over 5,300 injured.

Huge and disconcerting were the consequences for housing and infrastructure for civilian use, including schools, hospitals, factories. The raid shelters managed by UNRWA destroyed by the Israelis - according to data from the same organization - were 3600, 2,700 seriously damaged ones.

According to government figures in Gaza, the houses were destroyed or damaged 51,553, among which 3,336 were completely destroyed and 4,021 were severely damaged.

Friday, January 21, 2011

India Hair Conditioner Recipe


Warning for people who are sensitive and impressionable:
the scenes are particularly crude, ordinary violence of Zionist
the Italian media that there will never see, because the "truth for Israel" is "anti-Semitism ...

Q uelli you see are the real reasons why the Israel Lobby Italian would like to close this and other websites / web. In Italy it takes journalism title at all costs, to know who spends his evenings Mr Berlusconi (with whom he wants to spend) but the real junk and real crimes committed by the Jewish state, with which we are embroiled militarily, economically , and politically through its many representatives in Parliament Italian, it is not affected, though this is true because of the risk of destabilization of the Mediterranean, VicinoOriente and over again. So let us ask: why to get reliable information, videos and news reports, which show the true face of Zionism in Palestine, we must turn to journalism over the border? The Italian journalism is more servile and submissive to each other in respect of that lobby?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Funnys Thing To Write On A Cake

The earth is spherical

As did, I wonder, the ancient Babylonians, Sumerians, Assyrians, Jews, Greeks, Romans, inhabitants of medieval Europe, Arabs, and so on and so forth to believe that the earth was flat? That is, it is obvious that the earth is spherical, just look at the sky, there is no need for complicated mathematical calculations, or more complex logical reasoning of the syllogism: I see the ball land, I'm not blind, the earth is spherical. The earth is spherical, I noticed the other night, when in the throes of one of my romantic delusion I am placed in front to reflect the sky (actually the phone if it does not take me off the balcony, but that's Well): My gaze rises from the horizon to the sky following a parabola, and since during this process always seems to look at the farthest point possible, the sky is a sphere that covers us. But I have only discovered this the other day when I realized that the fact that the earth is spherical means that we are inside a ball that comes out if you shake the snow, I discovered that the world is fake, fintissimo . Like a ball that comes out if you shake the snow, a game for a kid that the universe has not yet tired of some souvenir démodé. You fake like the theater of our lives: life is a play, and the sky is so hard, with those stars that appear to a spider web very nice backdrop, that the thing might make sense. We are ants, small, and in a world so big and scary, that play for not realizing their small size, poverty, and we are hypocritical ants, who believe that they escape death creandosi a bastion of immortality, be it a house or work art. The less courageous
ants, who can not accept the fact that finite, mortal, believe intelligent believe puppet (puppet is perhaps best ant, you save at least awareness) in the hands of an entity that the carousel with his will , a puppeteer who plays with the inhabitants of the ball that comes out if you shake the snow. The brave little ants are a lot more than 90% of the population, live in their dens that are built to fortress, and once a week they visit the house they have built their courageous spirit of little ants. The ants brave, or at least those honest with themselves and with others, they are supermen who wander aimlessly down, telling everyone they meet on the street that in reality the world is fake, that every man is an actor with others and with himself, some shouting "Γνῶθι σεαυτόν," others write "One, no one hundred thousand, all are taken for fools, or almost, killed, imprisoned, or worse, ignored and mocked by another type of ants: so those who take courageous play of fiction in the world, making himself dictator, puppeteer or better, the ball comes out that if you shake the snow, the tide will move as if they were omnipotent. But even those are dying, and taking around the world and the less courageous sisters do nothing but make fun of themselves. One could therefore say that these are the ants less courageous of all, able to raise the other only by leveraging its enormous fear. The more you fear the most is strong, then just think of the speed with which you run when being chased or said claims that the most dangerous animal is wounded, but, at the same time, more and more we are afraid it is weak, because whoever is not able to face their own life is the most miserable among men.
Maybe I understand why the ancient, wise people, they argued that the earth was flat: to live free in the freedom that only the most innocent ignorance can guarantee, that means that could be called a life to men.

Nerdy Shower Curtain -periodic

Donne di Salò - Le vicende delle ausiliare della Repubblica Sociale -

"Women are Salò" Ulderico Munzi - Sperling & Kupfer Editori - Milan 1999 - £ 26,500


"We are left with the dead than to incite war with the living and that will continue to purify the altar desecrated with the blood of heroes (...) We must be the ones to save the spirits , claiming the honor to transmit to the living from the dead, as a legacy, the patrimony of the race. (...) On the whirl of passions, we cry, the last will of like spirits, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe homeland that will be reborn, if we wanted, holier than before his martyrdom. "

In these words, written in a fascist newspaper of Brescia, we can encapsulate the spirit of sacrifice total, which rises to martyrdom in the name of Mussolini's revolution: the delivery even unto death in the Armed Forces women's auxiliary of the Italian Social Republic. With a surge of female voluntarism never seen before in Italy, they, without any conditions, we will donate to redeem the dishonor and cowardice of those who had betrayed the country to war and fascism.

The moment did not accept any hesitation, and what it was, what it is, the miserable life on earth from before the great danger that the Revolution and the country at any moment could have been 'erased ', be prey, the most outcast of the invaders, the pay of base money and the pay of underground commercial logic of exploitation of overseas and overseas. On the other hand for those who believe in an idea, in its sacredness, its striking power, which takes the importance of earthly existence only when the fighters, all the light fighters battling against the infernal forces of chaos, will be given the immensity of heaven, all that is reserved for heroes?

The auxiliary volunteers in the Italian Social Republic border on the myth, the great courage and boldness that has characterized crystalline in what was the most tragic moment in history of Italy from its political unity today.

The book under review here is not a wise politician say it in advance. It is a historical, very easy to read in any case - is, in fact, the testimonies given by women who fought in the RSI - , in a direct way, we 'dive' into the reality of one of the structures of the revolutionary totalitarian state and the revolutionary social and popular, carved from Fascism, peculiarly in what was the experience more genuine and spartan, CSR in the context of total war that European fascism was fighting against the democratic plutocracy in the pay of Jewish - Freemasonry mondiale.

La creazione del Servizio Ausiliario Femminile venne istituito con il Decreto legislative (n° 447, del 18 aprile 1944) del Duce, epilogo di un progetto già elaborato dallo Stato fascista sin dalla fine del 1943. Vi poterono entrare le donne tra i 18 e i 45 anni.

Si afferma anche che l'impulso della costituzione d'un corpo ausiliario femminile, nelle fila dell'esercito repubblicano fascista, venne dato da un articolo pubblicato ne "La Stampa" del 13 gennaio 1944, a firma dell'allora direttore Concetto Pettinato (1).

Seimila donne si arruolarono nei quadri del SAF. He died about three hundred, but we do not know with absolute certainty what may be the figure came close in those days that followed, and April 25, 1945 ... day of liberation, or rather the excuse of cowards and scoundrels who have looted from top to bottom in Italy, delivered into the hands of foreign interests.

"In the Social Republic auxiliary choose their own destiny," to confirm what he knew to be popular and revolutionary idea in Mussolini undermine any bourgeois conventionality and in mobilizing the masses. Although this is, alas, often of a people accustomed to resignation, misery and subordination (yes, also to treason), a pugnacious little people who had lost the stigma of "fighting race," far from the glory and the red flags of the Legions and the Imperial City. Since its inception, fascism had brought a new air anyway and the women they certainly took advantage of the range.

The woman, harmoniously essential subject in the new totalitarian state, he realized that the "conquests" had with Fascism could not disperse the betrayal of the worst of the damned race traitors. As we take a hint in the testimony of the auxiliary Paoletti Alda: "I told my mother that I had to go to the North. I wanted to be free. Fascist and free. The Americans, I added, they would become slaves. I asked the Germans if we could take with them. One commander said, "Yes," We owe a debt to settle with her because she has done so much for our wounded. " On 14 June 1944 a truck loaded it on the mother, the octogenarian grandmother and siblings, including my sister three years ... I was only seventeen years. "

the momentum already feminine at the dawn of the Revolution, it offers a starting point, although in the context of the now devalued anti-fascism, Victoria de Grazia, in which one of his studies he writes: "In 1917, the Italian best-known feminist intellectual, Teresa Labriola, had embraced the program dell'Associazione nazionalista. Per certi aspetti la sua svolta politica dalla sinistra alla destra richiamava quella di Mussolini e di altri esponenti della “generazione del fronte”. Il socialismo marxista era quasi una seconda natura per la Labriola, figlia del grande filosofo e attivista politico napoletano Antonio Labriola. Teresa, il cui ingegno volubile e salottiero aveva ben poco assimilato della filosofia marxista, aveva al pari di Mussolini una mentalità élitaria, imbevuta del volontarismo comune a un'intera generazione di intellettuali. Ammirava l'idealismo di Giovanni Gentile, col quale aveva studiato, e preferiva l'iconoclastia di George Sorel e Friedrich Nietzsche alle leggi inesorabili del marxismo della Seconda internazionale. Solo New, fresh avant-garde, leaving the inept reformism of the Italian socialist movement, they would build a new Italy, had repudiated I'agnosticismo liberal in the Italian people to infuse a new "ethical". The elite of Labriola, however, was female since 1908 spoke of "self-sacrifice, peculiar to women" that made her the only person able to reconstruct the "contrast between the needs of the individual and those of the species." His vision of Italian women as champions of a new social order based on the review of the concepts of race, nation and state, was ... attractive. " (2)

And it was this: in time of extraordinary uncertainty came out the spirit of sacrifice and strength of the fighting race which, although with great difficulty and continuous actions saboteurs, Fascism had given to the most "noble" of the people. Just women who appeared at the margins of political and social life of the nation, even within the structures of the same fascist party.

In the height of the war and the tragic end of the fascist movement, the women '... become protagonists, the history of fascism did not belong only to males, it was their big chance ... The women of the Women's Auxiliary Service (SAF) were therefore "products" del fascismo ... La loro esistenza era stata plasmata dal Duce ... andarono volontarie nella Decima Mas, nelle Brigate Nere, nella Muti e tra le “Volpi Argentate” (...) Non temevano nè gli inglesi, nè gli americani. Erano semplicemente il nemico». (3)

Gli uomini scappavano; la monarchia sabauda con gli stati maggiori tradivano, una nazione veniva pugnalata alle spalle insieme all'alleato in guerra. Più d'una donna cancellò l'onta del disonore.

«Arrossimmo di rabbia e vergogna nel vedere gli uomini spogliarsi delle divise e fuggire a casa. Un richiamo echeggiava in Italia: abbiamo famiglia. Noi eravamo ready to take up their muskets. Our freedom was built in Fascist Italy. " (4)

The auxiliary fascist had given strict discipline: they were forbidden to smoke, banned the use of lipstick, both in uniform and in civilian clothes. The "sealing" of the auxiliary was sober, austere, "as was the rest of the cloth of his uniform gray. A gray cloth, a dress cut against any temptation. " Look ambiguous to a dorm room could cost you your punishment.

I say the same auxiliary as an article of Mary Pavignano (5) published in "Alarm" of 3 December '44: "No lipstick, no femme fatale, loves nothing disturbing, but good sisters of the soldier, but would serve women of the land of Italy, if that must be redeemed by the blood of men, must be brought to life by the virtue of women (. ..) I saw my companions everywhere. On the roads, waiting to leave the means of luck. Trains. In military hospitals, bent on who died. sisters and mothers. Military canteens, which they bring the good grace of their femininity in the kitchen where the woman's hand is certainly valuable in military tailors, laundries, everywhere. "

The volunteers were providing their fascist activities «militante» negli ospedali e negli uffici, nei presidi e nelle caserme, nei posti di ristoro e nella difesa antiarea, come aerofoniste e marconiste. Seguivano le truppe al fronte e combatterono contro gli invasori anglo americani a Nettuno o sulla Linea Gotica, così come contro i partigiani titini nella Venezia Giulia. Niente a che vedere con la donna-oggetto delle immagini pubblicitarie, sfruttata a tutto campo dalla società consumistica moderna. Niente a che vedere col protagonismo rabbioso della donna moderna che a tutti i costi deve scalare quanto anche per natura non le compete, a danno della famiglia e della società; nessun raffronto con quanto sta partorendo il letamaio statuale odierno con l'ingresso delle donne nelle barracks ... as in the U.S. will become empowered by the reversal of the brothels of modern life.

The woman in experience as in the fascist National Socialist party was an important, worthy of attention, for the consolidation of national community, and sealed by the sacrifice of popular mobilization in revolt against the depletion of national traditions caused by sterile parliamentary democracies cosmopolitan puppet of big business. Quite the opposite of the contrived and trite stereotypical depiction that appears derelict in Western societies.

"The 'signorinetta" - wrote in 1952 Julius Evola - is the middle class has become modernized and made them mere facade to hide an inner emptiness of all: is a type, whose conceit, vanity and ostentation are made up curiously with the internal constraints and mediocrity arising precisely from the "raw material" ... In raw mode, such types of guys could be really defined: ocherelle in a "deme - Vierges". You see girls like that in fact move all painted and exhibitionist equipped as in other countries are not even the "professionals" you see on the beach and almost nude in all sorts of poses boy, just a little while to realize that all this - rare exceptions - is reduced to a pure, dumb mount. And you see them go away with an affected air of detachment, almost of sovereignty, as if simply being a woman who knows that would mean, for, in addition to this quality in its most primitive form, hardly could tell in what they can justify such an attitude. The form is standardized, "in series". He has similar traits in different cities (...) It is almost always the "good girl" who makes his person the subject of a speculative reason, the strip for what it meant for a man, find a place with a good salary, and then "settle down". "

At the end of the conflict, the assistants were the subject of fascist partisan vengeance beast that inflicted suffering of their bestial torture by the mass rapes.

The evidence gathered by Munzi its introduction, however, have more than a mole of the angle of doctrinal orthodoxy, a practice in those works that show the positivity of fascism, but yes they want to forcibly spread the contrasts with Judaism. As if the Jews were alien to the causes of World War II.

From 'fascists', rises naturally we ask these great fighters, these noble women indomitable spirit, genuine representation of all fighting against the Western plutocrats and against state capitalism: those who have imposed sanctions to' Fascist Italy, who drew up the war against the Axis powers, who in Italy has continuously worked towards betrayal and military defeat, if not the Jewish - Freemasonry? How much weight did international Jewry in demoplutocrazie Western military victory led by the American Satan? We affirm without any delay, so sacrosanct as the assistant Giovanna Deiana declared his contempt for traitors venticinqueluglisti: "I had noticed a fire to be marked by fascism its July 25, the day when you learned of the betrayal of the hierarchy. I imagined them in their vile thoughts ...».

Recognition of this incontrovertible reality - the preparation and conduct of the Jewish war against Fascism, which we translated liberally in the battle of blood against gold ... or are just nonsense words? - , besides being a sacred truth, may serve to fascism for the continuity in the battle against the company '... dominated by the Anglo-Saxon ideas' as they did with the wonderful enthusiasm and extraordinary fighters of Fascism and Social Republican.

Leonardo Source

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cost Of Racketball Court

Flash! Wild Architecture out \\ 2

Now You can find us here!

more milk - Piazzale Cervi 7

Pirù - Via Farini 41

Dulcamara - Via d'Azeglio 106

Stagecoach - Borgo Giacomo Tommasini 18

Hub Cafe - Piazzale Bertozzi

Canapaio Ducale - Via d'Azeglio

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Aumento impressionante dei nati malformati in Iraq: ecco il risultato delle bombe dei "liberatori"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Does A Hernia Hurt To The Touch?

In un mondo di "veline", "escort" e "donne in carriera"....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Copper Casket Dimensions

Flash! Wild Architecture

From today you can pick me at:



tomorrow with the new point where I can find!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hitting Back Of Neck In Fall

University - what to choose?

synthesized I have my doubts about the choice of university (which I will do as soon as possible if you want to get organized) in this scheme. Anyone with tips or comments to make-up is asked to intervene. The faculties of which they are indecisive are (in alphabetical order) Anthropology, Literature, Psychology, Communication Science, Political Science, Sociology, History. Or if you prefer (in order of rating): Anthropology, Literature, History, Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Communication Science. Or (in order of possibility of finding work post-graduate): um, er ... Okay, you understand.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Restaurant Floor Plans

This is my 150th post

took me so long to think that I'm not going to write even more.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cheap Clip On Earrings

out 1st of January in Berlin!



Marx and Engels

Berliner Dom

Schinkel - Schloss Bruk (made with marble from Carrara)

Berliner woman

New Guard

Brandeburg Gate

Monument to the Ermodeten Jews



