Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Patterned Volleyball Spandex

Flash Memories: Toys from the 80s and early 90s

you remember these games? Made life wonderful (especially the girls!)

The Popples

This purple was the most 'beautiful!
The Popples were of animals in a sleeping bag with built-in back that at one point we came in and became balls.


The blackberry Lady Lockyer was the most 'beautiful trio. The red was a bit 'dizzy. "Lovely Lady Lovely Lady you have magical hair, long, long strong and beautiful, Lovely Lady," here, the initials of the box you understand that this was Lady Lovely princess with long hair and beautiful. To make them even more 'beautiful she and her friends took these two subspecies of squirrel stained with long queues and applies them to get between the strands with multicolored hair pins made from living creatures of the forest. Brilliant.


I paciocchini non servivano a niente. Creavano solo una folle e incotrollabile dipendenza a causa di quelle sostanze stupefacenti di cui era cosparsa la plastica che profumava di divinita'. I paciocchini servivano per respirarli.


I Polly Pocket racchiudevano l'elisir di felicita' eterna in una scatola colorata con dentro un universo correlato di tutto il necessario per vivere una vita lunga di gioia e agi.


Un po' la stessa gioia olfattiva che donavano i paciocchini in versione tattile. I pupazzini di Maple Town servivano per essere accarezzati e provare quel piacere estremo del pelo cortissimo e soffice che faceva avanti e indietro sotto i polpastrelli.


Teddy Ruxpin rappresentava il primo approccio sessuale-sentimentale per le bambine nei confronti dell'altro sesso. Creava a sort of fascination and attraction in the little girl who admired him to overcome a thousand obstacles and adventures. There must have been behind some strange marketing ploy, 'cause it was absolutely NOT a teddy bear, sweet, funny and goofy. Quite the contrary. Teddy Ruxpin was cool.


Together with her grandmother's handkerchiefs reduced to shreds to make clothes for Barbie, 'Turn the Fashion' is the other option to invent and create clothes. Usually, the combinations included ideas such as wool coat, straw hat, tennis skirt and stiletto heels.


the doll 'beautiful ever created in shapes, colors, materials, clothes, epsressione. How was soft ?????? One of the most 'beautiful had her toes in the two concave eyeballs. A pleasure.


Pioneers surprises among the "beautiful" the kinder. They gave off a race to the death eaters that we saw hundreds of eggs in the total surrender of mothers settimananli enslaved by a surprise out of five.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Does A Black Tie Go With A Dark Blue Shirt

Flash Suggestions: The Brit Pop Messiah

We have the honor to Our great friend introduces you to Mattia Costantini aka Pee Dirty:
a poet, a savior, a connoisseur and lover of music Inglese, a gentle heart, the messiah of indie style.

Here Some Of His best pieces of work:

no other
the part of me
that resides in your lap
so no more innocent
vague in the rain
and before my eyes
the doors are closed
become inconsitente
the Identities
swings in the cold emptiness
wrecked your love unknown
recovery life
but no am more
the animal of pure fire
I thought
to be the first

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like a fish
in his jump
pure instinct
in wave
we flow
without good
and evil
to haunt at all
our dreams
as a spinning wheel
we never
the end it
it the beginning
of picoolo
and large wounds
and suicide secrets of our love
between tears and smiles

of those who can not lie
always seems
that everything is lost
but sometimes
the sun rises again no reason
the shadows
in dead ends of our thoughts
where we lost
that bit of humanity
that allows us
to fight
in the bush
rose in flames
that is life

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noi bruciamo di speranza
tra le ceneri di
noi stessi
come non mai
senza memoria
di come poter ricominciare da capo
con un unica
corolla d amore
che palpita lieve
come il tintinnio
di una campana dargento
in una casa vuota
in cui la nostra anima
cerca disperatamente
di entrare


there is always something missing
in our lives
that awaits us in the shadow
and we can not
to grasp it ever
because we are too far
and escapes us from the power
moment in
il bagliore dura poco
nel buio
come fuoco fatuo
nelle notti senza luna
non ci rimane allora
che tornare
al nostro porto sicuro
chiudendo a chiave fuori le illusioni
il piu possibile
anche se
niente dura piu a lungo
our ability
to start to love
there are
the ropes
corner in
with eyelids worn
looking for a glimmer of light
that soddisfri fully
our unfailing
never lived to the end
and ask
between our thoughts
if the time comes
sooner or later
the only real escape

without returning earlier
to everything
that is not ours
only in the movement
dimentichiamo chi siamo
sospesi in avanti
l identità
perde peso
e finalmente
la libertà
scende giu
nell anima
come argento vivo


there are
in the vortex of time
between the hours of empty
away from the true heart

almost soulless
not understand ever
dove in effetti
potremmo iniziare
la nostra vera vita
o ricominciare
da capo
e sulla palma della nostra mano
ci osserviamo
perchè badate bene
nei nostri desideri
la vita la teniamo bene
in pugno
short we sit them
completely relaxed
and dreams
trying to keep us well close our youth
the rest
runs without expecting
without doing more than watching

the slow and hectic work
the rest of the world
not understand never ever
if we who sbaglaimo
or their
and sometimes
tried and tried to enter
but we are fearful
because the futility of life for the ants
frightens us
terrifies us
respingendoci ai bordi
della realtà
ci sentiamo perduti
in un misero lembo
di solitudine nascota
ma alla fine siamo tutti
segretamente spinti
da grandi ideali
di quella vita che vediamo cosi da lontano
verso qualcosa
che puo illuminare
ancora i nostri occhi
d amore
ma alla fine
nessuno lo ammeterai mai fino in fondo
e cosi stupidamente affrontiamo
la nostra soprravvivenza donquischottesca da soli
ma anche
chi è incosapevole
mantiene vivo
senza saperlo
his secret innocent
d love
that still can arise
and stand proud
from the palm of the hand bow

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for more info: contact the open Facebook group SOUL FOOD INC

and the blog:

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