Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Acrostic Poem For Liver

March 8, women's Forza Nuova, but which mimosas! NO ABORTION! Reflections on the first point of the program forzanovista .. In response to this

The first of the 8 points of Forza Nuova states

"Forza Nuova is fighting for 'immediate abolition of all laws and abortion practices, said that in the name of hedonism and an alleged social relations, in recent decades have bloodied the world, undermining the present and the future of the peoples . A nation that kills its own children has no future ..... "

There would be hundreds of pages to be written on why the fight against abortion is the first programmatic points of Forza Nuova, I will confine myself to some thoughts that I consider necessary to ensure that the abortion issue is perceived by the reader in all its drama.

The intent of this short paper is to bring out the modernist logic that wants abortion as a result of
freedom. The fact is that this actually boasted freedom is decimating our people. The figures are impressive: in 32 years of Law 194 were charged approximately 5,000,000 (five million!) of abortions "legal," meaning that a whole generation of Italians has been deleted.

In the name of this "freedom" we have lost a unique human heritage, as every human being is unique and unrepeatable. Unlike all other political parties and movements are not asking for strict application of the law or possible "improvements" we do not care improvements because they are hypocrites. How can "improve" a massacre?
Law 194 is blatantly hypocritical and not at all clear and must be exposed. But the drama of abortion has other aspects that However ultimately all lead back to a central point: the so-called "freedom of women."

briefly analyze these aspects, starting from 194 and the culture of death that led the government "Catholic" then, and almost all governments worldwide, to consider abortion a symbol of conquest; a "breakthrough" that has produced the only moral and ethical decay, using just the woman.

E 'is well known that the forces that have most pushed for approval of the murder and assisted free - which is abortion - was the feminist movement, backed by the ever-radical and followed by all other parties (except the MSI). And, as written, were the crucial omission of certain Catholic circles.
were a number of feminist campaigns for abortion, among which stands for cruelty and cynicism of the Bonino that women did have abortions with the help of a bicycle pump, practice that performed with the sole purpose of diminishing the value of conceived life.
These events followed the battle of the Radical Party for free abortion, the battle actually was born from a legal matter: the discovery of a clinic in cui si effettuavano aborti clandestini, ovviamente pagando profumatamente. I radicali riuscirono a far passare questa squallida vicenda per un "coraggioso aiuto alle donne" e, aiutati dal clima sessantottino già seminato dalle femministe e dalla stampa, la volsero a proprio favore.
Tutto questo portò all'approvazione della 194 che ha delle debolezze strutturali evidentissime che fanno sorgere tutta una serie di interrogativi che la legge non soddisfa.
Uno di questi interrogativi è: su quale assunzione ideologica si regge la legge, cioè quale idea di "persona" propone il legislatore e che statuto conferisce all'embrione umano considerato che i firmatari erano cattolici?
Tutti gli especially the articles of law 4, are permeated by the notion that the interruption of pregnancy is possible if the continuation of motherhood involves a risk to women's health in relation to: the state of his health conditions, psychological, economic, social, family , circumstances in which conception occurred, malformations etc.. etc..
Skip immediately to my attention that these opportunities provided for an abortion are nothing but large containers where they can enter many different reasons. Grounds, among others, could not be verified!
For example, would suffice to say being poor, have been violated, to be in "existential crisis", have ua situation Social uncomfortable (even minors can have abortions. If you do not want to talk to parents, counseling bring them into contact with the juvenile court to give his consent!). Any doctor can certify these reasons, even a dentist!

The only way that the law does not provide for an abortion is the only real, you do not want the child.
But it is a "no possibility" hypocritical, because of the ease with which the law allows you to cite any reasons. In this way the coating "bigot" of a law authorizing the killing, saying it would respect life, is to appear in all its inconsistency.

now analyze how the new language, or rather, the antilingua, has downgraded the child to an organic waste: embryo, fetus, evolving cellular indistinct cluster of cells, blood clot, pinheads, illegal on board (a term dear to feminists). All the epithets in short, except for SON. It is no coincidence that to happen: change the terms of the traditional language used to modify the impact - in this case emotional - that words have in our consciousness. Specifically, the word SON, is due to emotional stress in women, we can say the same of the word "embryo"?

but who has an interest in changing the terminology? In fact, there is a guideline intended by the powers that control the world's population.
As the control? Who are they? What or who leads them? What is their purpose?
This analysis might be unusual and little known by those who work on the surface of this drama, but in fact there is a major cause of our social change, a cause which has brought the world's governments to legalize the killing of children. Abortion
free can certainly be considered a result of Masonic thought, which thought has misinterpreted the concept of freedom, especially by the Revolution French onwards. I will not dwell on names and surnames, but in studying the effects of various pro-abortion movement in Europe and worldwide there is confronted with a list of characters belonging to all or almost Masonry.
is then natural to ask what the origins of Freemasonry has and how he has acted over the centuries to the point of changing the traditional thinking on human subjects is now accepted as almost inevitable as euthanasia (another battle of the radical scholars agriculture policies of the death), abortion, organ harvesting from living human beings (for the uninitiated: the removal of organs must be a "beating heart" to ensure the functionality of organs harvested. In fact, today there There are thousands of cases coma in asking the relatives to unplug the machines because the EEG is flat. But the heart beat! For the unfortunate is practiced, in fact, anesthesia, as they react to the pain of the scalpel .... Suggest you read Luca Poli and his book on explants).

are identified in the notorious '68 especially those who propagate ideas and obsessive pounding free sex, transforming the woman up to altering the traditional role, that of Soviet Russia 68 child (wanted by the Freemasons), which the world's first state legalized divorce and abortion. The embryos of this decay back to neo-Platonism that has corrupted, in view of its anti-Christian trends, the Platonic idea of \u200b\u200bhierarchy, which finds its climax in the Supreme Good. In fact at the heart of Freemasonry is thought to invert what is good or bad, and vice versa. Freemasonry is fiercely anti-Christian proof is an icon, his example: Lucifer, the undisputed leader of each loggia, which is more or less secretly adored and which we find traces across Europe, beginning with the various "genes" of works of 'art, first of all the genius of Place de la Bastille in Paris, messp there right from the Freemasons and that is Lucifer.
All the great powers, such as the global financial lobbies, those of politics, the EU, the UN itself and all its numerous branches, Masonic cliques are driving the entire planet.
This explains why the traditional laws have been deleted. The project Masonic obviously has not happened so sudden, otherwise it would not last, has been developed over the centuries.

Letizia Badalamenti. Evita Peron cuib Palermo

Today, March 8, 2011, the women of Forza Nuova renounce mimosas, a symbol of a false freedom that has turned the woman into mother devastating!

Ps: To know more about the plight abortion, refers to the file "Law 194 and its"
by the cuib Avoid Forza Nuova.
file that can be requested by sending an email to: cuibevita@yahoo.it

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