Choose the type of right breast for a breast is not easy. There are many types of implants that allow you to get any kind of shape and volume to your breasts. Together with the increase in volume and tone, however, must achieve an outcome that respects the psychology and the sensuality of women. The plastic surgeon must be able to respect the wishes of the patient but also to advise in an objective manner.
For example the right idea should be to choose a breast according to your body shape . So for example, within a discrete to a girl androgynous charm, breasts rounder and explosives for those who want to "get noticed" full but soft for a professional.
Increase the breast is important in all respects. The operation to be carried out strictly in breast clinics or specialized hospitals, in local or general anesthesia after a careful assessment of the state of health of the patient and a preoperative visit with the anesthesiologist.
The implant is inserted under the pectoral muscle, especially if the chest is thin with small breasts because it is covered by more than fabric, it is very natural. Also in this way the appearance of breast tissue is not changed: in serviceable condition or any subsequent radiological examinations.
The breast surgery lasted 50 minutes to an hour and a half depending on whether it is a simple increase of a little breast or should instead associate a lift (mastopexy). And 'open only one night of hospitalization then you can resume normal work and social. One limitation of two weeks of abstinence from physical sports activities.
After the increase of breast implants can breast-feed and can last a lifetime except in rare but possible reactions of the organism in the years that can lead to a hardening of the breast. The most widely used implants today are those filled with silicone. Always very wary of prices low synonymous with shoddy materials or low-level health facilities and therefore unsafe.
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