How many breast enhancement operations carried out in Italy
Quanti sono gli interventi per aumentare il seno che ogni anno vengono effettuati in Italia?
Circa 80 mila secondo le stime del SICPRE Società Italian plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and are more and more 'on the rise. Seven out of ten measures to enhance the breasts are made for aesthetic purposes while 30% are for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy due to breast cancer. Belong to the age group between 18 and 25 and between 35 and 45 women who mostly decide to hold a breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons. The minors are now excluded from operations, after the decree law recently approved those under 18 years can not increase the breast plastic surgery reconstructive purposes but only after an illness.
The request by the younger girls of breast is large, say doctors, but the absolute number of operations performed is not very high (according to some experts, about 1,000 per year in Italy).
The cost for breast enhancement is falling. From € 10 thousand who spent 5 or 10 years ago to 6000 today with large downward spikes for those who decide to undergo surgery to go 'abroad in countries such as Tunisia or abroad in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Serbia. Many experts predict that next year we will cross the threshold of 100 thousand operations that would place Italy among the first in Europe.
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