Friday, December 31, 2010
Antique Birks Challenger
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
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E' morta la modella della campagna choc contro l'anoressia di Oliviero Toscani
The girl was only 28 years. Oliviero Toscani had portrayed in advertising against excessive weight loss, at the center of bitter controversy. The disappearance in Tokyo November 17, released today.
The photographer, in the days of his campaign against anorexia, sparked an uproar in the world of homosexuals following an interview in which he declared that " the in fashion 'in the hands of homosexual who do not like women and claim the coat . This is because the same, being gay, are not able to appreciate some curves and some forms that are typical of women, preferring to sacrifice so.
"L and women they fall into the trap of thinking have become exactly like the models of these ruminations of gay fashion designers ".
Surely there is some truth in this, but much of the blame can be attributed to a female model that we have fed for decades. Take for example the television Berlusconi: for 30 years have shown - and continue to show - a kind of woman who find satisfaction only in appearing. A woman whose greatest ambition is' to become tissue to go up and if this plan considered "superior" to pass from the plane of escort , ben venga: non è forse così che si fa carriera? Se si è fortunate - cioè brave nell'accontentare il "datore di lavoro" di turno - si può anche aspirare ad un ruolo pubblico.
Questa pratica è talmente radicata nella nostra coscienza "ammaestrata" che quasi non ce ne accorgiamo... talmente siamo condizionate dalla tanto propagandata libertà della donna.
Libertà che ha prodotto il peggior "modo di essere donna": prostituzione sotto mentite spoglie....
Even in our own little comes out of this override: just think of the many social networks, where quiet mothers of families, students, etc. etc. show ambiguous and provocative photos, stuff to gape even "cicciolina !
Lord, raise your head! The woman is something else! We are supplemental, not fun!
Rutilio Dale, in his article "Feminism," he elucidated what role is VERY feminine, warning against false picture of Herculean woman and prostitute who want us to digest at all costs.
And what of the magnificent Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in His
"Letter to the maids? Never man had the most beautiful words to all women.
Our examples are these! Our duty is to spread them so not feel a girl who never stops eating to become a "model "....
Secretary's "Evita Peron Cuib" - FN Palermo -
The girl was only 28 years. Oliviero Toscani had portrayed in advertising against excessive weight loss, at the center of bitter controversy. The disappearance in Tokyo November 17, released today.
E 'died French model and actress Isabelle Caro, severely anorexic, climb the headlines for posing nude in an anti-anorexia ads by Oliviero Toscani for the Italian brand Nolita: he was 28 years. The disappearance in Tokyo on November 17 last year, but the news was released only today, before the site of the Swiss newspaper '20 minutes' and then by the French weekly Paris Match.
The image of the Dear , who weighed only 31 pounds and 65 1-meter, picture of Toscani had much discussion, the jury had banned advertising for the dissemination of the campaign. (December 29, 2010) © Reproduction
Oliviero Toscani - " Unfortunately I have good memories of Isabelle Caro, a girl was very sick, in my mind and body, because he had a mind anorexia, like all people who suffer from this disorder in the brain was anorexic.''
In our country, the model became very popular after the shock of the campaign milaneseToscani, where he appeared completely naked in her sick skinny.
The photographer, in the days of his campaign against anorexia, sparked an uproar in the world of homosexuals following an interview in which he declared that " the in fashion 'in the hands of homosexual who do not like women and claim the coat . This is because the same, being gay, are not able to appreciate some curves and some forms that are typical of women, preferring to sacrifice so.
"L and women they fall into the trap of thinking have become exactly like the models of these ruminations of gay fashion designers ".
Surely there is some truth in this, but much of the blame can be attributed to a female model that we have fed for decades. Take for example the television Berlusconi: for 30 years have shown - and continue to show - a kind of woman who find satisfaction only in appearing. A woman whose greatest ambition is' to become tissue to go up and if this plan considered "superior" to pass from the plane of escort , ben venga: non è forse così che si fa carriera? Se si è fortunate - cioè brave nell'accontentare il "datore di lavoro" di turno - si può anche aspirare ad un ruolo pubblico.
Questa pratica è talmente radicata nella nostra coscienza "ammaestrata" che quasi non ce ne accorgiamo... talmente siamo condizionate dalla tanto propagandata libertà della donna.
Libertà che ha prodotto il peggior "modo di essere donna": prostituzione sotto mentite spoglie....
Even in our own little comes out of this override: just think of the many social networks, where quiet mothers of families, students, etc. etc. show ambiguous and provocative photos, stuff to gape even "cicciolina !
Lord, raise your head! The woman is something else! We are supplemental, not fun!
Rutilio Dale, in his article "Feminism," he elucidated what role is VERY feminine, warning against false picture of Herculean woman and prostitute who want us to digest at all costs.
And what of the magnificent Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in His
"Letter to the maids? Never man had the most beautiful words to all women.
Our examples are these! Our duty is to spread them so not feel a girl who never stops eating to become a "model "....
Secretary's "Evita Peron Cuib" - FN Palermo -
if this is a woman .....
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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LOTTA STUDENTESCA: fontane colorate di rosso in tutta Italia
Rome, December 22 (AP) - Blitz this morning on the right of students to student protests against the reform Gelmini: in a simultaneous movement of the militants have red colored water fountains in many cities (Milan, Florence, Genoa, Pisa, Massa Carrara, Lecce, Pesaro, Urbino, Catania), red like the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools and red as the coffers of public education. "In Rome, the colored 'fountain' of the Gianicolo, the symbol of the capital." The blitz is a signal ground that wants to condemn what is happening at this moment in Italian halls of power: they will cut funds to public school (1 billion euro this year alone), it will destroy the free knowledge and free inquiry in universities to put in the hands of private entities (who will have access to the boards of universities and providing funds steer gl'investimenti and research), and will be given way to a caste of corrupt impose its will at the expense of popular sovereignty. The rulers and barons are not really affected, " Francis said in a statement Mangiaracina, national coordinator of student protests. "All this means the death of culture and freedom from the tyranny of the majority and that is why today our fountains are colored red, red as the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools and as red as the coffers of public education. student protests - contends Mangiaracina - has decided to support striking action of this magnitude because we are convinced that the reform of the present state of things, a pickaxe harsh public education. We continue to be mobilized , stay tuned. " "In Rome, we colored the fountain of the Gianicolo, the symbol of the city, where in times past has made the history of Italy - says Roberto Benignetti, head of the Roman student protests - especially an indictment against the great barons university as dean of the Friars and the rector of La Sapienza di Tor Vergata Lauro that for not being able to neither read nor write, they thought, first, to encourage ordinary son James, and the second to promote the associated daughter Paola Rogliani before the entry into force of the so-called reform. A shame.
Photos of some fountains located in various cities of Italy
Rome, December 22 (AP) - Blitz this morning on the right of students to student protests against the reform Gelmini: in a simultaneous movement of the militants have red colored water fountains in many cities (Milan, Florence, Genoa, Pisa, Massa Carrara, Lecce, Pesaro, Urbino, Catania), red like the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools and red as the coffers of public education. "In Rome, the colored 'fountain' of the Gianicolo, the symbol of the capital." The blitz is a signal ground that wants to condemn what is happening at this moment in Italian halls of power: they will cut funds to public school (1 billion euro this year alone), it will destroy the free knowledge and free inquiry in universities to put in the hands of private entities (who will have access to the boards of universities and providing funds steer gl'investimenti and research), and will be given way to a caste of corrupt impose its will at the expense of popular sovereignty. The rulers and barons are not really affected, " Francis said in a statement Mangiaracina, national coordinator of student protests. "All this means the death of culture and freedom from the tyranny of the majority and that is why today our fountains are colored red, red as the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools and as red as the coffers of public education. student protests - contends Mangiaracina - has decided to support striking action of this magnitude because we are convinced that the reform of the present state of things, a pickaxe harsh public education. We continue to be mobilized , stay tuned. " "In Rome, we colored the fountain of the Gianicolo, the symbol of the city, where in times past has made the history of Italy - says Roberto Benignetti, head of the Roman student protests - especially an indictment against the great barons university as dean of the Friars and the rector of La Sapienza di Tor Vergata Lauro that for not being able to neither read nor write, they thought, first, to encourage ordinary son James, and the second to promote the associated daughter Paola Rogliani before the entry into force of the so-called reform. A shame.
Photos of some fountains located in various cities of Italy
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Palestine speaks Italian resident Gaza, 7 wounded, Israel bombed by 24 hours -Israel-bombing-by-24-hour
A series of air strikes, with bombs dropped on the civilian population Palestinian devastated the Strip from north to south. Among the sites affected Rafah, Khan Younis, Beit Lahia, Jabalya, some of these were also affected by more raids. In Rafah was hit a factory for bottling of the milk from local farmers, serious harm to the child population of Palestine. All government buildings in the area were evacuated, but the attacks continued relentlessly. According to reports from Vittorio Arrigoni, a volunteer who has lived for years among Palestinians, there are at least seven serious injuries (one even had a leg amputated), but other agencies also speak Arabic deaths. Strange in this sense, the silence of Al Jazeera, which is talking about. This morning was also bombed port of Gaza City, although there is still a record of the victims.
New series of Israeli air attacks on Palestinian towns in the Gaza Strip.
Palestine speaks Italian resident Gaza, 7 wounded, Israel bombed by 24 hours -Israel-bombing-by-24-hour
A series of air strikes, with bombs dropped on the civilian population Palestinian devastated the Strip from north to south. Among the sites affected Rafah, Khan Younis, Beit Lahia, Jabalya, some of these were also affected by more raids. In Rafah was hit a factory for bottling of the milk from local farmers, serious harm to the child population of Palestine. All government buildings in the area were evacuated, but the attacks continued relentlessly. According to reports from Vittorio Arrigoni, a volunteer who has lived for years among Palestinians, there are at least seven serious injuries (one even had a leg amputated), but other agencies also speak Arabic deaths. Strange in this sense, the silence of Al Jazeera, which is talking about. This morning was also bombed port of Gaza City, although there is still a record of the victims.
New series of Israeli air attacks on Palestinian towns in the Gaza Strip.
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Flash! Wild Architecture backstage! Flash Appeal and supporting
Ieri finalmente e' uscito Flash! Wild Architecture, il terzo volume del libretto fotografico che questa volta ritrae le piu' particolari opere architettoniche della nostra citta' con figure nude femminili e maschili stagliate in primo piano.
Eccovi le foto di backstage quando nei mesi scorsi abbiamo fatto spogliare poveri innocenti in mezzo a strade, piazze e ponti.
: )
Thank you wholeheartedly:
Chiara, Roberta, Julie, Sara, Julia V., Meggie, Julia F., Beatrice, Frank T., Maria Chiara, Francesca L. James, Serena, Elisa, Alessandro, the Skaters, Julia V., Stefano, Alessandro, Andrea, Dino, Matt, Julia G. Gaia, Monica, Marco, Francesca D.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
How Long Does A Brazilian Wax Last
Per la UE il Natale non esiste
The European Commission has produced more than three million copies of a journal of the European Union for secondary schools which contains no reference to Christmas, but it includes Jewish holidays, Sikh, Hindu and Muslim. | |
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Marco Tosatti | |
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La Commissione Europea ha prodotto più di tre milioni di copie di un diario dell’Unione Europea per le scuole secondarie che non contiene nessun riferimento al Natale, ma include festività ebraiche, indù sikh e musulmane. Più di 330 mila copie del diario, accompagnate da 51 pagine di informazioni in carta lucida sull’Unione Europea sono state consegnate alle scuola britanniche, scrive il Daily Telegraph, come un omaggio agli allievi da parte della Commissione. Con grande stupore dei cristiani britannici la sezione relativa al 25 dicembre è vuota e in calce alla pagina c’è questo messaggio: “Un vero amico è qualcuno che condivide le tue preoccupazioni e la tua joy. " The calendar includes holidays Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Chinese, and others, such as Europe Day anniversaries and other key European Union, but there are no Christian holidays reported, despite the fact that Christianity is the religion of most Europeans. And besides, even greeting cards from the Commission simply say "Season's Greetings" with no reference to Christian holidays, like Christmas. Johanna Touzel, spokesman for the Commission of the Catholic Conference of Bishops, said that this is "just astounding." | |
Friday, December 17, 2010
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Last One Another
Release Party Tuesday night during a Flash! Wild Architecture you will have the chance 'to also take your copy of the new issue of Last Call: Christmas a fantastic edition! That party
rich cultural gifts all free!
We are waiting
Release Party Tuesday night during a Flash! Wild Architecture you will have the chance 'to also take your copy of the new issue of Last Call: Christmas a fantastic edition! That party
rich cultural gifts all free!
We are waiting
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di Rutilio Sermonti
di Rutilio Sermonti
Una donna tradizionale, con le specifiche qualifiche fisico-psichiche e le funzioni sociali sempre e dovunque riservatele, rappresenta oggi un'autentica iattura per i piloti del mondialismo finanziario.
Indeed, in its role as arbiter of the household, in every class tries to balance the "living" potential "production" of the male, ensuring that it remains possible for something unexpected and as a "savings" for old age. Creepy stuff to do in any self-respecting consumerist!
also makes up for in person, with his wit and his care, a significant proportion of family needs (food selection and preparation, care and maintenance of clothing and furniture, small repairs, discipline of children, assistance to old and infirm, care home), tasks that, in families high, extending to the most delicate "worldly external relations." Not to mention the fact that the "good wife" classic, close to her husband not only in the thalamus, but also in cultural interests and the first test of his ideas, pervade the life of him, detaching it from the search of entertainment offered to the selfish " the market. "
Neither these tasks, far from being read, and easy, they have never appeared to the women as painful slavery, although, as it is true that, until recently, the marriage and the family's accounted for desire and aspiration of every young girl, and "old maids" were compassion.
But the interests of the class usaraia subentrata nel potere, erano in senso opposto.
Una donna "emancipata" dalla propria natura e condizione muliebre e immessa, a parità con l'uomo nel lavoro esterno retribuito, presenta infatti, per quella classe padrona, i seguenti vistosi vantaggi:
Primo: aumento esponenziale delle "esigenze", sia familiari che femminili, che possano essere soddisfatte solo con ricorso al mercato.
Secondo : disponibilità diffusa, per le donne, di denaro proprio da spendere incontrollatamente, secondo le mille sirene pubblicitarie (è stato osservato che la pubblicità commerciale è, per i 3/4 rivolta alle donne), to the glory of consumerism.
addition, their families, reduced by a father and a "father" but no mother, do all that we see the miserable end, further reducing human societies, groups of municipalities to masses of individuals alone.
clarified-although there was no need - the reason for the aggression of the "modern world" against sexual difference, let's see what precautions with this campaign is conducted at the level of persuasion, which is the most insidious and dangerous.
As a general rule we set out the reasons and meaning, in all the "entertainment products" intended to produce mental habits, it lacks any attempt to rigorously to convince anyone to anyone.
a polemical tone, or even didactic, ruthlessly preclude any input subliminal messages, which require a state of absolute relaxation in the victims.
Thus, the nature of "injury" of any idea of difference between the sexes (except for mere sexual organs), is simply taken for granted ", as the acquisition and now generally undisputed. It would, however, a triumphant "modern conquest, and in fact you should give up in the films" historical ", given the impossibility of creating veristic the court of Louis XV (that so attracts the viewers), making the wear Pompadour i calzoni a tubo, in luogo delle crinoline. Niente paura! All'epoca rievocata scenicamente, il "pregiudizio" esisteva ancora, lo sanno tutti. Come che ora non esiste più, come ben sanno TUTTI i personaggi delle vicende di ambiente contemporaneo, imbandite dall'industria del ramo.
La particolarità della campagna contro le differenze sessuali, rispetto a quella detta prima contro tutte le altre differenze, consiste nel fatto increscioso che la donna conserva tenacemente, nella coscienza di massa
soprattutto occidentale, il carattere di oggetto di consumo erotico. Certo - e per natura- il corpo maschile esercita sulle femmine un'attrazione non minore di quella che il femminile esercita sui maschi. But the fact is that, perhaps for the atavistic belief that the male is the one that takes and the female that gives , since the sexual phobia Christian surrendered to the need for popularity, the civilized world teems with images more and more daring with which they are meticulously tumbler, even studied with transparencies, the sexual attractiveness of young women. Outside the field of specialized porniografia (which go beyond the subject of this study), nothing like that happens, production for the "general public", for manly beauty, and the public has become accustomed and we find it enjoyable. Thighs, buttocks and boobs to go-go, while winking at the testicles and let them bursting, if not I see.
This is a serious headache for the conductors of the subtle persuasion of habit, "which, as we have seen, can never work against the , and therefore are forced to reconcile the equality of the sexes inequality above that license.
look easy solution: give up almost everything to the mission for the particular kind of adventure film (type 007 and the like) in which love affairs with beautiful women navigate and lascivious are integral to the success of public and instead to explain those of "real life" or "horror", or adventure or pure yellow police, in which viewers looking for a different kind of emotions.
As to the techniques used in them nothing original.
All human environments reconstructed artistically share rigorously adhered derision and ridicule for anyone suppose there is something that a woman only because it is inhibited woman. A look of compassion and a wry smile is all like idiots deserve, and it is promptly followed by a striking display of manly virtues by ufficialessa or police officer or similar.
Even in physical fights, even in armed conflicts, even in the use of weapons, nice ladies and young ladies act as rivals to Achilles son of Peleus.
The same applies to the hierarchy, both civil and military. Indeed (a similarity to what we saw for blacks), we often find actresses young enough age and not without charm, impersonate the holders of degrees judicial, military, police, scientists, whose male counterparts are usually white hair.
should also be noted that, operating in every community of men and women (such as a clinic or a police station), women do not replace the logic male with feminine intuition: you add it, with the result that, in the presence thesis different is that their end is spot on.
in the home (if any) is great devotion and respect for these "successful women" by the spouse of any man, even if timidly dare to reproach them to do more for their "work" for the course of their marriage.
Under these conditions, the inadvertently caused mental habits can work fairly well, although very far from the hoped for success.
from "The manuals of the militant" by Dale Rutilio - Books "New Cooperative Company News -
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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Riceviamo e pubblichiamo: Israel Lobby: la diffamazione continua
Qui il PDF dell’articolo a firma Stefano Gatti (Cdec) “La Santa Alleanza dei siti dell’odio” (…che è un po’ come il bue che da’ del cornuto all’asino… ), apparso nell’edizione di novembre della rivista Shalom (circa 300 kb)
Si tratta di un articolo carico di odio e astio nei confronti di chi osa contraddire la propaganda sionista, spesso maschera di un razzismo più raffinato inculcato in qualche scuola where fundamentalist rabbinical Talmudic hatred towards us poor Gentiles, that we dare to disagree and publicly declare our disappointment and criticism, as well as disseminating news events of the colonial genocide and dispossession of the Holy Land, is obvious.
It reads very clearly, especially at the end of this defamatory article, which appeared in November 2010 by Shalom, the evil, though childish attempt to criminalize political dissent, ideological and even theological, that as far as we are concerned, and Regarding the sites targeted, is the ideal character and culture, the time has to arouse positive movements in honest minds, but never to want to evoke acts of violence or physical reactions decomposed of all kinds.
And these gentlemen, who write such nonsense only to justify the € 300 000 dished out by their political generous (with money ... not theirs ovviamewnte, but the people and blow horns), know that if any criticism or opposition, which is ideal written it should translate into violent uproar then you should close the Parliament, newspapers, magazines and books withdrawn from the market, blackout internet, radio, television and so on.
No, the purpose that the would-grandchildren Nirenstein aim is giving institutional credibility, hammering with their lies until they believe to be truth, and slide the intellectual level to that crime (and criminal), a clash that is ideal. And while some of them make a deliberate confusion between Zionism, Judaism, Holocaust denial, Semitism, others are pushing for laws to have liberticide strongest in Italy, and to finally incarcerate silence the dissidents who opposed the Israel lobby.
This is ideological terrorism, a dangerous form of intolerance and arrogance, which would take the form of documents and laws under the guise of anti-totalitarian. And the paradox is that they defend the greatest murderers of modern Semites, the Arab Palestinians, who continue daily to be killed, drub, dispossessed in their own homes, compared ogni risoluzione ONU e umano buon senso: senza che nessun giornale e telegiornale ne dia notizia, senza che vengano stanziati 300 mila euro per contrastare tale fenomeno veramente antisemita.
A darcene notizia dettagliatamente è pure il quotidiano on-line “Il Velino” ( articolo.php?Id=1256752 ) del 9/12/2010: un sito che pubblicizza anche a spada tratta, in prima pagina, gli OGM della multinazionale Syngenta …
Nell’articolo in questione l’articolista del Velino fa a big jumble of acronyms and sites, with clear malaintenzione and improperly divided for the sole purpose to offend, denigrate, defame, intimidate.
We also are classified by these retired nobodies, as "anti-Semitic." Respond to any infamy. Meanwhile, in the pages of
CiviumLibertas ( http://civiumlibertas. / ) Professor Antonio Caracciolo, called into question as we do, Effedieffe, TerraSantaLibera and many others, could not refrain from immediately respond to such misconduct and perfidy in the press and web publishing a letter that asks you to follow e che potrete pure leggere direttamente sul suo blog a questo link .
I nostri avvocati, se necessario, faranno il resto. Perchè non è accettabile mettere alla gogna e coprire di fango chi produce informazioni e denuncia crimini di guerra e contro l’umanità, complotti e intrighi internazionali, deviazioni ideologiche e dottrinali, bollandolo semplicemente col marchio di “antisemita”.
Il prof. Caracciolo ben dice: “Si tratta invece di una qualificazione “soggettiva”, di una sorta di “lettre de cachet”, concessa in pratica ad alcuni soggetti, che in questo modo hanno in loro potere e discrezione la libertà di all citizens and can establish a proper regime of terror ideological . Editorial
Una lista di proscrizione, con i nomi dei siti più scomodi alla Israel lobby italiana, è stata nuovamente compilata dal CDEC ( 300 mila euro annui di denaro pubblico stanziati con la raccomandazione di Gianfranco Fini , Shalom aprile 2010 ), cui la rivista ufficiale delle comunità ebraiche italiane, Shalom, ha dato ampio risalto .Qui il PDF dell’articolo a firma Stefano Gatti (Cdec) “La Santa Alleanza dei siti dell’odio” (…che è un po’ come il bue che da’ del cornuto all’asino… ), apparso nell’edizione di novembre della rivista Shalom (circa 300 kb)
Si tratta di un articolo carico di odio e astio nei confronti di chi osa contraddire la propaganda sionista, spesso maschera di un razzismo più raffinato inculcato in qualche scuola where fundamentalist rabbinical Talmudic hatred towards us poor Gentiles, that we dare to disagree and publicly declare our disappointment and criticism, as well as disseminating news events of the colonial genocide and dispossession of the Holy Land, is obvious.
It reads very clearly, especially at the end of this defamatory article, which appeared in November 2010 by Shalom, the evil, though childish attempt to criminalize political dissent, ideological and even theological, that as far as we are concerned, and Regarding the sites targeted, is the ideal character and culture, the time has to arouse positive movements in honest minds, but never to want to evoke acts of violence or physical reactions decomposed of all kinds.
And these gentlemen, who write such nonsense only to justify the € 300 000 dished out by their political generous (with money ... not theirs ovviamewnte, but the people and blow horns), know that if any criticism or opposition, which is ideal written it should translate into violent uproar then you should close the Parliament, newspapers, magazines and books withdrawn from the market, blackout internet, radio, television and so on.
No, the purpose that the would-grandchildren Nirenstein aim is giving institutional credibility, hammering with their lies until they believe to be truth, and slide the intellectual level to that crime (and criminal), a clash that is ideal. And while some of them make a deliberate confusion between Zionism, Judaism, Holocaust denial, Semitism, others are pushing for laws to have liberticide strongest in Italy, and to finally incarcerate silence the dissidents who opposed the Israel lobby.
This is ideological terrorism, a dangerous form of intolerance and arrogance, which would take the form of documents and laws under the guise of anti-totalitarian. And the paradox is that they defend the greatest murderers of modern Semites, the Arab Palestinians, who continue daily to be killed, drub, dispossessed in their own homes, compared ogni risoluzione ONU e umano buon senso: senza che nessun giornale e telegiornale ne dia notizia, senza che vengano stanziati 300 mila euro per contrastare tale fenomeno veramente antisemita.
A darcene notizia dettagliatamente è pure il quotidiano on-line “Il Velino” (
Nell’articolo in questione l’articolista del Velino fa a big jumble of acronyms and sites, with clear malaintenzione and improperly divided for the sole purpose to offend, denigrate, defame, intimidate.
We also are classified by these retired nobodies, as "anti-Semitic." Respond to any infamy. Meanwhile, in the pages of
CiviumLibertas ( http://civiumlibertas.
I nostri avvocati, se necessario, faranno il resto. Perchè non è accettabile mettere alla gogna e coprire di fango chi produce informazioni e denuncia crimini di guerra e contro l’umanità, complotti e intrighi internazionali, deviazioni ideologiche e dottrinali, bollandolo semplicemente col marchio di “antisemita”.
Il prof. Caracciolo ben dice: “Si tratta invece di una qualificazione “soggettiva”, di una sorta di “lettre de cachet”, concessa in pratica ad alcuni soggetti, che in questo modo hanno in loro potere e discrezione la libertà di all citizens and can establish a proper regime of terror ideological . Editorial
The extermination of the civilian population Arabs of Palestine, LOG 100% Semitic,
attackers REQUESTING THE REMOVAL OF THE WEB SITES, SO 'do not talk about these crimes,
is its accomplice but not Anti-Semites
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tapout Black Mps Shirts
We Print! Flash
Start the countdown:
Master Typographer will complete in a few days' work and we finally have our hands in the third paper issue of Flash!
Start the countdown:
Master Typographer will complete in a few days' work and we finally have our hands in the third paper issue of Flash!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Camera Airport Security Underwater
Suggestions: Pole Dance
Here are some pictures of the winner Julia Pioli and other "athletes" who have taken part in the International Pole Dance Championships held in Tokyo the other day.
; )
ed un filmato per vedere bene di cosa si tratta!
Here are some pictures of the winner Julia Pioli and other "athletes" who have taken part in the International Pole Dance Championships held in Tokyo the other day.
; )
ed un filmato per vedere bene di cosa si tratta!
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