The operation itself is not complicated, there is no need for general anesthesia (in some cases is carried out), we should not be hospitalized for more 'than 48 hours and the operation itself results in little more' an hour. Sounds too expensive spending? Yes, if you think the theories of standardized medical profession who see the plastic surgeon's aesthetic shorthand easy, but profitable, especially for something that medicine itself has little to do. No, but if you put in account the cost of dentures, are not economic at all, the operating room, the cost of 'anesthetic and the postoperative course. Coscensiosi good plastic surgeons and there are a large number and trust is often rewarded them agreed. Someone suggested to go to 'external breast enhancement. The costs are lower, you get to spend as much as 50% less: the goals are Tunisia and Morocco with regard to North Africa, or Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia with regard to Eastern Europe . Who goes more 'far can' get in Brazil or the United States, home of Prince breast. Keep in mind that the cost of 'operation must be added those of the transfer and residence, although in many cases, foreign organizations in the package include flight and hotel and other benefits for a companion, especially if something goes wrong, the savings goes to drain.
Back in Tunis to touch your breasts would be heavy in terms of economy, time and emotional. But surgeons are the same Italians who are warning, conflict of interest, on the skill and technical excellence of their foreign colleagues. Always well calculated risk-benefit assessment before going to 'foreign to a breast.
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